Over the past two weeks I have let a lot of negative thoughts creep into my mind and has resulted in the feeling of being lost. I'm working on my visualization again and trying to get back on track. Any suggestions, tips, tricks etc on how to remain in line with LOA. It's funny that I'm writing this because in the past when I have been centered I've read these types of posts and wondered how that person managed to get so off-centered. Well, now here I am.
Hi, Its easy to get off center, a thought , a smell, the wind of another’s e-emotions blowing through you. Matters not how you got there, just not staying there. You mayvisit http://www.wantedpronto.co.uk/index.asp?Source=331458LI3573G2">wantedpronto to learn how to regain focus in your life. You will recenter when you have had enough. Icome to this site everyday - because its impossible to stay in a negative mood around these people. In Love
Me too was in the similar dilema. Recently I came across with this scientific tool that works on Brain wave technology. It really forces your mind to concentrate on what you want. In short, it Accelerate the Attraction.
Hi, I think you are busy in some other works; you should reduce your extra works and just concentrate on your goal. If you have learning difficulties or anything else then there are many applications online which could help you out.