I feel bored and my life is very ordinary. I am a wife and a mother of two school children. I also work as a teacher in a high school in the seventh grade. My life has lost all its passion and I feel there is no movement, excitement left in me. It could be due to the boredom of everyday activities. What can I do to bring back the excitement in my life and relationships?
-- Edited by Mosley on Wednesday 6th of May 2009 01:56:40 AM
You can easily become bored if you are doing the same thing over and over again. The simplist answer is just try new things. I would also be interested in asking how do you feel regarding your energy levels - mentally and physically? First, make sure you give yourself enough time to do the things you want to do. Make sure you are looking after yourself - if you aren't treating yourself well you could be draining yourself of energy to go out do things, give yourself the best chance of getting off the couch or whatever. Then, go and socialise, join a group, sporting activity, or club that you may enjoy.
Stimulating your brain by doing something different, anything different from your normal daily routine will exercise your brain. You will feel better, more energised and alert. Good luck!
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